
Before kicking off the development of your own Fault Proof Program , it's important to understand the environment that your program will be running in.

The FPP runs on top of a custom FPVM target, which is typically a VM with a modified subset of an existing reduced instruction set architecture and a subset of Linux syscalls. The FPVM is designed to execute verifiable programs, and commonly modifies the instruction set it is derived from as well as the internal representation of memory to support verifiable memory access, client (program) communication with the host (the FPVM), and other implementation-specific features.

Host <-> Client Communication

While the program is running on top of the FPVM, it is considered to be in the client role, while the VM is in the host role. The only way for the client and host to communicate with one another is synchronously through the Preimage ABI (specification).

In order for the client to read from the host, the read and write syscalls are modified within the FPVM to allow the client to request preparation of and read foreign data.


When the client wants to read data from the host, it must first send a "hint" to the host through the hint file descriptor, which signals a request for the host to prepare the data for reading. The host will then prepare the data, and send a hint acknowledgement back to the client. The client can then read the data from the host through the designated file descriptor.

The preparation step ("hinting") is an optimization that allows the host to know ahead of time the intents of the client and the data it requires for execution. This can allow for lazy loading of data, and also prevent the need for unnecessary allocations within the host's memory. This step is a no-op on-chain, and is only ran locally when the host is the native implementation of the FPVM.

    Client->>+Host: Hint preimage (no-op on-chain / read-only mode)
    Host-->>Host: Prepare Preimage
    Host-->>-Client: Hint acknowledgement
    Client-->>+Host: Preimage Request
    Host-->>-Client: Preimage Data

Full Example

Below, we have a full architecture diagram of the op-program (source: fault proof specs), the reference implementation for the OP Stack's Fault Proof Program, which has the objective of verifying claims about the state of an OP Stack layer two.


In this program, execution and derivation of the L2 chain is performed within it, and ultimately the claimed state of the L2 chain is verified in the prologue stage.

It communicates with the host for two reasons:

  1. To request preparation of L1 and L2 state data preimages.
  2. To read the L1 and L2 state data preimages that were prepared after the above requests.

The host is responsible for:

  1. Preparing and maintaining a store of the L1 and L2 state data preimages, as well as localized bootstrap k/v pairs.
  2. Providing the L1 and L2 state data preimages to the client for reading.

Other programs (clients) may have different requirements for communication with the host, but the above is a common pattern for programs built on top of a FPVMs. In general:

  1. The client program is a state machine that is responsible for bootstrapping itself from the inputs, executing the progam logic, and verifying the outcome.
  2. The host is responsible for providing the client with data it wasn't bootstrapped with, and for executing the program itself.